Alix Arto

Alix Arto is a multidisciplinary designer currently based between Marseille (FR) and Vevey (CH). Before establishing her own studio, she got a bachelor's degree at ECAL (CH) and worked for prestigious product design studios in London (UK). Today, in addition to her collaboration with international manufacturers, galleries and museums, she is developing her personal practice through residencies and hands-on material investigations. With the aim to create sustainable and innovative projects, she challenges the constraints of materials and production processes. Collaborating closely with artisans and industries, finding particularities in their savoir-faire and translate them into a collaborative project is central in her approach. She also gives lectures and organizes workshops to open artisanal creation to a wider public, promote the exchange of ideas and raise awareness of the stakes of production. 

Presenting the project "Sur-Mesure"